Kundalini Yoga
Sat Nam! Boost your energy with Kundalini Yoga and enjoy the delight of the invigorating effects of sound. A solid, effective practice to energize, cleanse and balance the glandular and hormonal system and expand your consciousness.
A Kundalini Yoga class always consists of these components:
physical movement, breathwork, meditation and sound.
When: every Wednesday 18:45-20:00 and 20:30-21:30
Current series: Sept 4th – Dec 18th (no class during fall break)
Where: Dorpshuis Schipborg, Borgweg 15b, 9469 PE Schipborg
> Subscription for full series: € 12,50/ class (payment of full series in advance)
> Single class: € 15,-
> Trial class: € 11,-
Please send an email to lizz@lizzrosie.com to make sure I have your details and that your spot is saved.
Note: you can start whenever you like! Regarding subscription: the amount is reduced pro rata.
Payment: please transfer to NL54 SNSB 0339 5661 16 t.n.v. Regal and Sage, put name + yoga in description.
See you on the mat!
Kundalini yoga is the mother of all yoga. It’s still relatively unknown, but increasing awareness rapidly. Up till about 50 years ago, Kundalini Yoga was solely taught in supreme circles, in total secrecy. Till Yogi Bhajan brought it to the West; revealing thousands of teachings in 40-some years.
Kundalini Yoga activates the dormant, creative and very powerful life force energy (kundalini) that resides at the bottom of the spine, coiled like a snake. The practice activates this energy in a systematic and effective way. It balances body, mind and soul. You will notice that you become more flexible, physically and mentally, which will give you the appropriate capacity to deal with stress, pressure and increasing velocity – traits of the time we live in. Kundalini Yoga works fast, efficient and often you will immediately notice the effects.
Before joining class, make sure to have read the disclamer (at the bottom of the page) first.
Options and rates Kundalini Yoga
Full series
Series Sept 4 – Dec 18:
€ 187,50
(= € 12,50 per class)
Single class
Trial class
€ 11,-
“Even just listening to Lizz Rosie’s voice immediately brings me in a state of truth and love.”
– S.J., Groningen
“I release so much during Lizz’s classes. Very cleansing.”
– Kevin, Palma
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Contact met Lizz Rosie
Vul onderstaand formulier in en ik neem zo snel mogelijk contact met je op (i.v.m. zomerstop ontvang je reactie na 7 augustus).
Regal and Sage
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